Locate the Query dialog box.
From the main menu bar, select
or click the
tool in the
Query toolbar.
The Query dialog box appears.
To obtain information on a particular node, do the following:
Select Node from the General
Queries field of the Query dialog box.
displays a prompt in the prompt area.
Select a node from the viewport.
The undeformed and deformed X-,
Y-, and Z-coordinates of
that node appear in the message area, along with the node's displacement. The
same information that appears in the message area is also written to the replay
To resize the message area, drag the top edge; to see
information that has scrolled out of the message area, use the scroll bar on
the right side.
To obtain information on the distance between two nodes, do the
Select Distance from the General
Queries field of the Query dialog box.
displays a prompt in the prompt area.
Select two nodes from the viewport.
The following information appears in the message area:
The undeformed and deformed X-,
Y-, and Z-coordinates of
each node, along with the node's displacement.
The absolute undeformed and deformed distances between the
The X-,
Y-, and Z-components of
the undeformed and deformed vector between the two nodes.
The absolute relative displacement between the nodes.
The X-,
Y-, and Z-components of
the relative displacement between the two nodes.
To obtain angle information, select Angle from
the General Queries field of the
Query dialog box, and select 3
Nodes or Face/Edge from the prompt area.
If you selected 3 Nodes, select three nodes
from the viewport. The second node that you select is the vertex of the angle.
The following information appears in the message area:
The undeformed and deformed X-,
Y-, and Z-coordinates of
each node, along with the node's displacement.
The absolute undeformed and deformed angle between the nodes.
- If you selected Face/Edge, select two
faces or two edges or select a face and an edge. The angle between the selected
faces/edges is displayed in the message area.
To obtain information on a particular element in an output database,
do the following:
Select Element from the General
Queries field of the Query dialog box.
displays a prompt in the prompt area.
Select an element from the viewport.
The following information appears in the message area:
The element's label, element type, material, and section.
The labels of connecting elements.
The current field output variables at the integration point
To obtain general information on the mesh, select
Mesh from the General Queries field
of the Query dialog box.
The following information appears in the message area:
To obtain general information on the mass properties in an output
database, do the following:
Select Mass properties from the
General Queries field of the Query
dialog box.
displays a prompt in the prompt area and displays the mass properties for the
default selection method, All elements, in the message
If you have already used the Mass
properties query in the current session and chose a different
selection method,
displays in the prompt area the last selection method that you used but does
not generate new results in the message area.
Choose one of the following selection methods from the list in the
prompt area:
displays additional selection fields in the prompt area, depending on the
selection method that you chose.
Complete your selection as follows:
If you chose Select elements from
viewport in the previous step, make selections from the viewport
(for more information, see
Selecting objects within the viewport”).
You can select a part instance in the prompt area and enter a single element
number to get mass information for that element.
For the remaining selection methods, select the part instance,
element set, section, material, element type, or display group name from the
list in the prompt area, or make selections from the viewport.
When you select an object from the prompt area or when you click
Done to complete a viewport selection,
displays the mass properties for your selection in the message area.
If any items in your selection have poorly defined density or
thickness, click Options in the prompt area to display
the Mass Properties Query Options dialog box and specify a
value to be substituted by
for the undefined quantity.
Click OK in the dialog box to save your
entries and close the dialog, or click Reset to return
to the previous settings.
displays the mass properties in the message area for the items you selected.
The following properties are available:
To obtain the surface normal components, do the following:
Select Element face normal from the
General Queries field of the Query
dialog box.
displays a prompt in the prompt area.
Select an element face in the viewport, and click
The surface normal components in the global Cartesian
coordinate system of the element face appear in the message area.
The surface normal components will differ if you query the same
element face on the undeformed shape and the deformed shape.
Close the Query dialog box when you have finished
requesting information.