The changes that you can make to a feature depend on how it was created. You
can change any numerical parameters that define the feature, and, where
applicable, you can change a section sketch. However, you cannot modify a
feature that was created by picking geometric entities, such as points and
edges, on the screen. For example, you can modify the following parameters:
If you cannot make the required changes with the
Feature Manipulation toolset,
you must delete the feature and create a new one that incorporates the changes.
From the main menu bar, select
Select a feature to modify. You can select the feature either directly
from the current viewport or from the
Model Tree.
For more information, see
Selecting objects within the viewport
Working with the Model Tree and the Results Tree.
The feature editor appears.
Edit the feature by doing one of the following:
In the Parameters field, type a new value for
the desired parameter.
Select Edit Section Sketch to start the
Sketcher and make the changes to your sketch. For information on using the
Sketcher, see
The Sketch module.
Click OK to
implement the changes in your model.
If you are editing a part feature, the part is regenerated
immediately to incorporate your changes, and the assembly is regenerated the
next time you enter a module that displays the assembly. If you are editing an
assembly feature, the assembly is regenerated immediately.
By default,
regenerates the part or assembly every time you edit a feature. If you prefer
to postpone regeneration of the part or assembly, toggle Regenerate
on OK off before you click OK in the feature
editor. When you are ready to regenerate the part or assembly, select
from the main menu bar.