Copying a part

Select PartCopypart name from the main menu bar to copy a part to a new part. You can create an identical copy of the original part, or you can do the following during the copy operation:

Compress features

Abaqus/CAE reduces all the feature and parameter information to a simple definition of the part. As a result, Abaqus/CAE will regenerate the part faster if you subsequently modify it; however, you will no longer be able to modify any parameters of the part. For more information, see Simplifying a part's feature list.

Scale part by

Abaqus/CAE scales the new part by the scale factor that you enter. If you choose to scale a part, Abaqus/CAE also compresses its features. You can use scaling to correct imported parts. If the scale of the imported part is incorrect, you can copy the part to a new part and scale it to the correct dimensions in the process. In some cases you can produce a valid part by scaling the part down, repairing the part, and then scaling the part back to its original dimensions. You can also scale an imported part during the import process. For more information, see Importing sketches and parts.

Mirror part about plane

Abaqus/CAE mirrors the part about the selected plane (XY, YZ, or XZ). If you select the Mirror part about plane option, Abaqus/CAE selects the Compress features option.

To mirror a part about a plane other than one of the principal planes and without compressing the features, use ShapeTransformMirror. For more information, see Mirroring a part.

Separate disconnected regions into parts

In some cases when you import an IGES- or VDA-FS-format part and select the Stitch edges repair option, Abaqus/CAE imports separate parts as a single part. If you toggle on the Separate disconnected regions into parts option and copy the imported part to a new part, Abaqus/CAE will separate disconnected regions into separate parts. For more information, see Controlling the import process.

You can copy a mesh part and separate it into disconnected parts based on nodal connectivity. Abaqus/CAE assumes that all connected nodes belong to a single part and does not take element type into consideration. However, Abaqus/CAE ignores connectivity between axisymmetric solid elements with nonlinear, asymmetric deformation (CAXA) and some line elements (connectors, springs, dashpots, gap, and joint).

You can copy parts containing both geometry and orphan mesh features. The compress, scale, mirror, and separate disconnected regions options can be used on any part.


Reference points, sets, surfaces, point parts, and datums are not copied when you compress or mirror a part during the copy operation.