You can use the
Partition toolset
to divide geometric regions into smaller regions. The resulting partitions
introduce new edges that you can seed; therefore, you can combine partitioning
and seeding to gain additional control over the mesh generation process. You
can also use partitioning to create regions to which you can assign different
element types. For example, you might want to assign reduced-integration
elements to some portions of your model and fully integrated elements to
others. For more information, see
The Partition toolset.
In some cases the geometry contains details such as very small faces and
edges. The
Virtual Topology toolset
allows you to remove these small details by combining a small face with an
adjacent face or by combining a small edge with an adjacent edge. Introducing
virtual topology is a convenient method for creating a clean, well-formed mesh.
For more information, see
The Virtual Topology toolset.
You can use the
Edit Mesh toolset
to make minor adjustments to your mesh. For more information, see
What can I do with the Edit Mesh toolset?.