Mapping Variables and Parameters

You can select the variables in Patran that you want to export into Isight.

This task shows you how to:

Select Input and Output Variables in Patran

You can select the input and output variables in Patran that will appear as parameters in Isight.

  1. Double-click the MSCPatran component icon .

    The MSCPatran Component Editor appears.

  2. From the MSCPatran Component Editor, click the General tab.

  3. Click Browse.

  4. Navigate to the MSCPatran input (.db) file that you want to use, and click Open.

    The component launches MSCPatran and opens the selected model in it. Using the Isight plug-in in Patran, you can select the input and output variables that you want to export into Isight.

  5. In the Select Analysis Job field, select the job that you want to use.

  6. In the Type list in the Variable Selection area, select Input to select the input variables or select Output to select the output variables.

  7. If desired, choose the selection options (Nodes, elements, mass properties, etc.) from the Select list.

  8. Highlight the desired elements and nodes on the model.

    The list of available variables is displayed.

  9. Select the desired variables, and click OK.

    The selected variables are displayed in the custom GUI panel on the right side of the Patran interface.

  10. Click Apply.

    The Patran variables will be exported to Isight and will appear in the component's General tab.

Add Variables to Isight

To be able to use the Patran variables in your Isight model, you must add them to Isight.

  1. Select the parameters you want to use in your Isight model by doing one of the following:

    Option Description
    Add the selected parameters.
    Add all the parameters.
    Clear the selected parameters.
    Clear all the parameters.

    The parameters are added to Isight. The parameters are mapped to the MSCPatran component and will be used with the corresponding Isight model.

  2. If desired, edit the parameter Name and Value.

  3. If you are working with a large number of parameters, you can do the following to sort and filter the parameters in Isight.

    • Sort the parameters by clicking the corresponding column header.

      The first click sorts the column data in ascending order. The second click sorts the column data in descending order. A third click returns the data to its original unsorted state. The small arrow icons to the right of the column heading indicate the current sorting option.

    • Filter by Mode or by Type.
    • To view certain aspects of the parameters, type the parameter name in the Filter box.

  4. Click OK to save your changes and to return to the Design Gateway.